The essentials
- Map pack:
- 2025.1
- Compatible game version:
- release-20231010
- Game server instances:
- || Competitive 1v1 Ladder Server N
Any games played on one of these servers will be recorded for the OpenRA Ladder ranking.
- Ranking algorithm:
- OpenSkill
and Trueskill™
- Source code:
- oraladder on Github
- Contact:
- You can reach the admin team through the #ladder channel on the
OpenRA Competitive community Discord server
- The ladder website and game servers are managed by milkman on the aforementioned
Competitive or the official OpenRA Discord servers
- How can I play on the ladder?
Register an OpenRA account on the Community Forum
and link it with your in-game player profile. This will allow you to
join the ladder game server lobbies (see The
essentials section). Every game you play on these servers will
automatically be recorded and your score adjusted on this website within
Games are limited to maps contained in the the
current Ladder map pack.
The opponent is bad mannered and just disconnected: do I have
to destroy all their structures to register a win?
No, just leave the game. But beware, do not surrender,
otherwise it will be registered as a loss for you.
- I'm terrible at the game and would like to become stronger, where should I look for?
The ladder is indeed highly competitive. Your best chance at
improving would be to join the ORA Academy
Discord and eventually the Red Alert Competitive
Discord. The former will provide many resources, while the latter
is full of highly competitive, passionate (and sometimes
friendly) players discussing different facets of the game. You
may also want to join the Official OpenRA Discord.
Player skill gap is so wide, every game feels like a coin flip;
any chance of improving that?
Unfortunately, there is currently no automatic matchmaking
system and the community is probably still too small for a
balanced experience of such a system. There are discussions in
progress to improve the player experience, but currently your
best chance at enjoying the competitive scene is probably to
get in touch with players in your skill vicinity on Discord,
and reach for the top.
- When does the ladder reset?
You have a 2-months reset of the ladder.
- I just lost but won points, why?
You probably played a strong player, and the ranking system
doesn't have enough information to make a good guess at your
level yet. The variation in your score will stabilize the more
you play, and become more predictable as your level becomes
more certain to the system.
- A player is abusing the game or doing illegal activities, what can I do?
The ladder has no control over the accounts of players.
Contacting the OpenRA forum admins is probably your best bet.
If their account ends up being disabled, all their replays will
go away from this website, and the scores adjusted
automatically as if they never existed.
- I can't playback an old replay, what happened?
First, you probably need the OpenRA release that was used to
generate the replay. Next, you might be missing the map if it
was removed from the resources center. Check the
map pack history if you can find it back.
Map pack history
- 2025.1
New map pack available since January, 2025, using
Balance Iteration 4.4..
- Hearts by Super Newbie
- Marigold Town by Super Newbie
- Sandbox by Super Newbie
- Vernon by Super Newbie
- Rift 2 by Super Newbie
- Green Path by Super Newbie
- Desert Warrior by J MegaTank
- Under Radar by J MegaTank
- Green Belt by Christian
- Lastened by Pinkthoth
- Dryened by Pinkthoth
- Straightened by Pinkthoth
- Pitfight by kazu
- Ysmir by kazu
- 2024.3
Extension of previous map pack, available since August, 2024, using
Balance Iteration 4.3..
- Champion by J MegaTank
- Discovery by Lad
- Harmony by Lad
- Inhospitality by Lad
- The Line by Lad
- Teared Strait by mo
- Oasis by Blackened
- Fallout by Blackened
- Wasted Opportunity by Lad
- Kriegsschweine by Upps
- Command and Control by Blackened
- Sullied Valleys by mo
- Cliffwoods by Pinkthoth
- Coldened by Pinkthoth
- Messened by Pinkthoth
- Descending by Pinkthoth
- Hinterlands by Pinkthoth
- The Wold by Pinkthoth
- Dry Creek Run by Blackened
- Onyx by eskimo
- Shadowfiend II by kazu
- Fury Sands II by eskimo
- Forgotten Plains by eskimo
- 2024.2
New map pack available since May, 2024, using
Balance Iteration 4.2..
- Champion by J MegaTank
- Discovery by Lad
- Teared Strait by mo
- Oasis by Blackened
- Wasted Opportunity by Lad
- Kriegsschweine by Upps
- Command and Control by Blackened
- Sullied Valleys by mo
- The Wold by Pinkthoth
- Dry Creek Run by Blackened
- Forgotten Plains by eskimo
- 2024.1
New ladder map pack for the first seasons of 2024 featuring some revisited classics.
- A Nuclear Winter Remastered by Lucian, Happy
- Darker Woods by J MegaTank, Lad
- Innocence by Blackened
- Mounds by Pinkthoth
- Ravenbeak Marshes by Pinkthoth
- Sidestep Remastered by SoScared, Happy
- Summer Camp by Lad
- Trail of Thought by netnazgul
- Twisted Petrol Station by Blackened
- Ups and Downs by Lad
- Warwind Remastered by SoScared, Happy
- Winding Woods by Pinkthoth
- 2023.2 v2 (rel20231010)
Updated Version of the 2023.2 map pack for new OpenRA game release (20231010).
- A Gardens 1vs1 by J MegaTank
- Amsterdamned by wippie
- Algeria by Pinkthoth
- Arctic Assault by Tux
- Borrowed Time by Omnom
- Calming Lakes by Pinkthoth
- Crestfells by Pinkthoth
- Enthrall by Blackened
- Lonely Land by Blackened
- Nachtlicht by Blackened
- Pleasant Plains by Lad
- River of Blood by Lad
- Scorched Earth II by J MegaTank
- Shadegrown by Pinkthoth
- Snake Woods by Pinkthoth
- The Great Divide by SoScared
- The Highlands by Lad
- The Space Between by Blackened
- Two Towns by Blackened
- Woodlands by Lad
- 2023.2 v2 (2023-09-01)
Version 2 of the 2023.2 map pack extends the previous version by 6 new maps for added variety in
the 20th RA Ladder season.
- Amsterdamned by wippie
- Arctic Assault by Tux
- Calming Lakes by Pinkthoth
- Crestfells by Pinkthoth
- Pleasant Plains by Lad
- The Highlands by Lad
- A Gardens 1vs1 by J MegaTank
- Algeria by Pinkthoth
- Borrowed Time by Omnom
- Enthrall by Blackened
- Lonely Land by Blackened
- Megara by Pinkthoth
- Nachtlicht by Blackened
- River of Blood by Lad
- Scorched Earth II by J MegaTank
- Shadegrown by Pinkthoth
- Snake Woods by Pinkthoth
- Two Towns by Blackened
- The Space Between by Blackened
- The Great Divide by SoScared
- Woodlands by Lad
- 2023.2 (2023-07-01)
New map pack to start of RA Ladder season 19. Features some all-new maps as well as beloved classics
from past Red Alert Global League seasons, all updated to latest Balance patch,
- A Gardens 1vs1 by J MegaTank
- Algeria by Pinkthoth
- Borrowed Time by Omnom
- Enthrall by Blackened
- Lonely Land by Blackened
- Megara by Pinkthoth
- Nachtlicht by Blackened
- River of Blood by Lad
- Scorched Earth II by J MegaTank
- Shadegrown by Pinkthoth
- Snake Woods by Pinkthoth
- Two Towns by Blackened
- The Space Between by Blackened
- The Great Divide by SoScared
- Woodlands by Lad
- 2023.1 (2023-03-05)
The 2023.1 map pack extends the previous by adding another 15 maps while cycling out 3 meme
maps for 3 new meme maps. Compatible with OpenRA Release version 20230225. Balance rules have
been updated to v3.5.2
(which does not contain any actual changes but is optimized for the new game version)
- Almighty Petrodollar by Lucian
- Amok by Pinkthoth
- Autumn Mix by Blackened
- Below Zero by Lad
- Clearing by Pinkthoth
- Conyard by Blackened
- Cow Level by Pinkthoth
- Dead of Winter by Pinkthoth
- Deciduous Ring by Blackened
- Desert Strike by Lad
- Duskwood by i like men
- Endless Night by Pinkthoth
- Excavations by Pinkthoth
- Gem Lord by MicroBit/MegaTank
- Island Konflict by MegaTank-Westwood Studios
- Jimmy got paid by J MegaTank
- Jungle Boogie by Pinkthoth
- Kitsunegari by Pinkthoth
- Malevolence by Blackened
- Military Mind by J MegaTank
- Orthos by Blackened
- Paradisio by Pinkthoth
- Pulverize by J MegaTank
- Queen of the Hill by Pinkthoth
- Strashno by Pinkthoth
- Syzygy by Pinkthoth
- Thales by Strauss
- The Long Night by Lad
- Timian by Widow
- Toxicity by Pinkthoth
- Twisted River of Gold by netnazgul
- Ultra Islands by J MegaTank
- War Factory by Blackened
- Wormrot by Blackened
- 2023.0 v2 (2023-02-25)
This map pack is the same as 2023.0 below, updated to be compatible with OpenRA release-20230225.
- Almighty petrodollar by Lucian
- Autumn Mix by Blackened
- Below Zero by Lad
- Clearing by Pinkthoth
- Deciduous Ring by Blackened
- Desert Strike by Lad
- Excavations by Pinkthoth
- Jungle Boogie by Pinkthoth
- Paradisio by Pinkthoth
- Pulverize by J MegaTank
- Strashno by Pinkthoth
- Thales by Strauss
- The Long Night by Lad
- Timian by Widow
- Twisted River of Gold by netnazgul
- The Pooper Bowl 1v1 by Poop
- 4 Nukes by J MegaTank
- Duel by Lane Madsen
- 2023.0 (2023-01-07)
The 2023.0 map pack contains an entirely new selection of maps with a broad variety in style.
Most notably, a set of "fun" maps have been added to the pool that drastically differ from
established competitive 1v1 layout. All maps have been updated to
Balance Iteration 3.5.
- Almighty petrodollar by Lucian
- Autumn Mix by Blackened
- Below Zero by Lad
- Clearing by Pinkthoth
- Deciduous Ring by Blackened
- Desert Strike by Lad
- Excavations by Pinkthoth
- Jungle Boogie by Pinkthoth
- Paradisio by Pinkthoth
- Pulverize by J MegaTank
- Strashno by Pinkthoth
- Thales by Strauss
- The Long Night by Lad
- Timian by Widow
- Twisted River of Gold by netnazgul
- The Pooper Bowl 1v1 by Poop
- 4 Nukes by J MegaTank
- Duel by Lane Madsen
- 2022.1 (2022-10-30)
The 2022.1 map pack is an updated version that adds the latest
Balance Iteration 3.5
and RAGL Season 13 maps to the selection.
- Abendland by Pinkthoth
- Agita by kazu
- Anar by Pinkthoth
- Argon by kazu
- Assault by Lad
- Barentsøya (BB) by Lucian
- Bucharest by poop
- Circulate by i like men
- Cog of War by netnazgul
- Dirge by Pinkthoth
- Discovery by Lad
- Elevation by i like men
- Fairyland by Lad
- Forgotten Plains by Eskimo
- Greener Pastures by Lad
- Infection by wippie
- Isle of Wight by Lad
- Krakow by poop
- Moonopoly by Lad
- Overkill by MegaTank
- Pity Light by Widow
- Race Tracks by Blackened
- Scorched Earth by J MegaTank
- Sompio by Pinkthoth
- Sun Struggle by Lad
- Territorial by Lad
- Trapped by Blackened
- Yukon Territory by wippie
- 2022.0 (2022-01-07)
This map pack is selected out of 40 maps by the community
with public voting. Feel to participate to the upcoming
polls. Events will be announced on forum and on the OpenRA
Competitive Discord server, #ladder channel.
- Agita by kazu
- Argon by kazu
- Barentsøya (BB) by Lucian
- Bucharest by poop
- Cog of War by netnazgul
- Dirge by Pinkthoth
- Discovery by Lad
- Fairyland by Lad
- Krakow by poop
- Moonopoly by Lad
- Race Tracks by Blackened
- Scorched Earth by J MegaTank
- Sun Struggle by Lad
- Trapped by Blackened
- Yukon Territory by wippie
- 2021.1 (2021-04-26)
Same map pack as 2021.0 with the following changes:
- Overlay adjusted to make the minimap more visible
- Blitz bumped from 1.3 to 1.4 (rev4 to rev5)
- Kosovo updated to address symmetry issues notably
- Fix shadowlands extra buildable sandbags (thanks Goremented)
- 2021.0 (2021-04-06)
This pack is a selection of 15 maps curated by the RA
Competitive Maps Committee to celebrate the end of RAGL. It
includes a few popular old maps and some brand new. The
balance is the same as previously (affecting Ranger, Dome
and LongBow) with an additional fix for the missing phase
transport sound notification. ERCC 2.1/BCC 1.0 modding is
also still present.
- Blitz by kazu
- Breaking Bad by Goremented
- Clover by Lad
- Crownsbury by Pinkthoth
- Eden Lake by kazu
- Eternal Warriors by J MegaTank
- Forgotten Plains by eskimo
- Kosovo by poop
- Marigold Town by Super Newbie
- Mountain Range Redux by Blackened
- Offensive Operation by Lad
- Onyx by eskimo
- Shadowlands by Lad
- Styx by Pinkthoth
- Treasure Hunt by Lad
- 2021-03-29
Temporarily removed the S9 maps as they are causing too much
crashes. Only RAGL X maps remain.
- Amsterdamned[RAGL-X] by wippie
- Annihilate[RAGL-X] by poop
- Behind The Curtain[RAGL-X] by WhoCares & Kyrylo Silin
- Darkside Aftermath[RAGL-X] by J MegaTank
- Devils Marsh[RAGL-X] by N/a
- Mounds[RAGL-X] by Pinkthoth
- Nomad[RAGL-X] by Upps
- Off My Lawn, Punks ![RAGL-X] by WhoCares & Hamb
- Pitfight[RAGL-X] by kazu.
- Polemos[RAGL-X] by KOYK
- Timian[RAGL-X] by Widow
- Winding Woods[RAGL-X] by Pinkthoth
- 2020-12-28
Warning: this map pack contains broken S9
maps: the light tank husks will cause crashes.
- Agita RAGL S9 by kazu.
- Amsterdamned[RAGL-X] by wippie
- Annihilate[RAGL-X] by poop
- Behind The Curtain[RAGL-X] by WhoCares & Kyrylo Silin
- Darkside Aftermath[RAGL-X] by J MegaTank
- Devils Marsh[RAGL-X] by N/a
- Discovery RAGL S9 by Lad
- Dual Cold Front RAGL S9 by PizzaAtomica
- Mounds[RAGL-X] by Pinkthoth
- Mountain Ridge Redux RAGL S9 by Blackened
- Nomad[RAGL-X] by Upps
- Off My Lawn, Punks ![RAGL-X] by WhoCares & Hamb
- Ore Egano RAGL S9 by kazu.
- Pitfight[RAGL-X] by kazu.
- Polemos[RAGL-X] by KOYK
- Shadowfiend II RAGL S9 by kazu.
- Sonora RAGL S9 by wippie
- Teared Strait RAGL S9 by mo
- The Swamp RAGL S9 by kazu.
- Three and a half woods RAGL S9 by WhoCares (based on SN's Seventh woods)
- Timian[RAGL-X] by Widow
- Trail of Thought RAGL S9 by netnazgul
- Wetlands RAGL S9 by i like men
- Winding Woods[RAGL-X] by Pinkthoth